The adult sister of r/ADHDwomen. A subreddit dedicated solely to sensitive, intense, and 18+ issues that are too NSFW for r/ADHDwomen.
Trans women (who are women), nonbinary, and intersex individuals are welcome.
Posts and comments must be 18+ topics involving ADHD not allowed on r/ADHDwomen, such as those about sex and sexuality, sexual assault, self-harm, suicide, trauma, and other adult issues. Other issues that you are uncomfortable discussing with minors (such as UTIs or maintaining vaginal hygiene) may be placed here as well. Off-topic posts will be removed at the moderators' discretion.
Do not state that ADHD doesn't exist or isn't a disability. Do not disparage or discourage users from seeking mainstream treatment or medication. No toxic positivity. Do not encourage or seek approval for illegal drug use, lying to your provider, or other unethical behavior.
Advertisements and solicitations include everything from promoting something to asking users to do something. This can be for your benefit or for the benefit of someone you know, and does not necessarily involve money but may involve views, followers, business ideas, subscribers or product and service ideas. Cross-posting from subreddits you moderate, placing referral links and affiliate codes, asking people to join your social media group, and stealth marketing also break this rule.
Name-calling, doxxing, harassment, concern trolling, sadfishing, cross-posting to stir up drama, rules lawyering, using multiple accounts to avoid bans, and venting or speculating about named forums or people, are not allowed. Derogatory or disparaging comments regarding age, disability, religion, political affiliation, race, or LGBTQIA+ identity are also not allowed.
Questions & discussions amongst peers about medication, symptoms, treatment, and diagnosis are allowed on r/adhdwomenafterdark. By participating here you acknowledge that no one on r/adhdwomenafterdark is able to diagnose, treat, or prescribe based on your/their participation in this forum, or your/their personal anecdotes & opinions. No one here knows what your provider will ultimately diagnose you with, prescribe to you, or what treatment they'll recommend.
We're a group of wholly unqualified peers who are here only for peer-level emotional support, and are not a suicide or crisis hotline or trained professionals. Questions about whether you should seek urgent professional assistance, such as from the police, a doctor, a therapist, or suicide hotline, are not allowed. Stating that you are suicidal is allowed, but questions and discussions about whether or not (and how) you should kill yourself or anyone else are not.
/r/BulgingBellys (71.2K)
/r/tommykingxxx (38.5K)
/r/JasmineTameXXX (1.5K)
/r/femcirc (7.5K)
/r/RoleplayEpith (4.8K)
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