For those who are married or attached but wants something more or feel unfullfilled in their relationship.
No selling or solicitation is allowed
Any kind of unwanted bullying/harassment is not allowed
Any kind of doxxing/actively trying to out users by gaining their personal information is not allowed
All posts must include a location hashtag. For example, #Florida and #Miami are acceptable. #Online, #Northeast, or #UK are not and will result in removal of your post. We encourage you to be as local as you are comfortable. For posters outside the United States, please use your best judgement. As a rule of thumb, if you country takes more than 4 hours to travel across by auto, you should use a more specific location.
Please post your age and designator, i.e. [M4F] [F4M] and so on.
Posts outside of the stickied post will be removed without warning.
Make it clear in your post (either in the title or the body) That you are married or attached.
NSFW images are not allowed attached to any post, including via links.
/r/EroticMaleMassage (30.0K)
/r/AgeGap (101.3K)
/r/EroticFantasiesNSFW (7.0K)
/r/eroticmalemassagefind (5.5K)
/r/SantaRosaR4R (8.5K)
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