Exactly what you'd expect! Age gap and Old/Young porn! Taboo fucking, forbidden relationships, and all with age gaps. We love it all, as long as it's legal and the age gaps are noteworthy. READ THE RULES before posting or commenting, please!
All content and references must be of, about, and to individuals who are 18+ years of age. No references to minors or anyone under the age of 18 years will be permitted at all, and will subject to immediate ban.
Don't be an asshole! If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all. If you have a problem with a post, then report it to the moderators citing the appropriate rule that was broken. We won't hesitate to ban anyone being disrespectful, insulting, cruel, hateful, etc.
Content posted here has to have an appreciable age gap! It should be of at least two people, one of whom is clearly notably older than the other. A few years difference is not an old/young age gap. Absolutely no posts of single guys or dicks. The mods will remove content that appears to be too close in age, and mod discretion will prevail.
None of the above, or anything that looks like it. No asking stupid questions to drum up upvotes, comments, messages, etc. Sellers are welcome as long as the posts are tailored to this subreddit theme, and aren't baiting or advertising. If you’re implying or mentioning selling, gifts, transactions, sugaring, etc. it will likely be removed. Also, if you're posting the same content to a bunch of subreddits in short succession, it'll probably be removed for the same reason.
Make high quality posts! This includes the image quality, title quality, etc. If it's junk, it might be taken down.
Everything here is up to the discretion of the moderators, including removals, rules, bans, etc.
We'll be using flair as a spam-fighting measure, so if a post's flair isn't correct or appropriate, the post will likely be removed, and the poster may be banned if it's egregious or repeated.
There are other age gap subreddits for that!
/r/AgeGap (101.3K)
/r/AdultAgeGap (4.8K)
/r/flr (23.4K)
/r/CasualRoomies (12.4K)
/r/ToxicYuri (5.0K)
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