A safe and fun place to showcase NSFW Albertan girls or couples Gone Wild.
No rude, vulgar, badgering or disrespectful comments or posts allowed. Including hate speech, racial or sexual! No exceptions! This includes in messages with the Moderators.
If you don't have permission to post content then don't post it. Posting other people's content will get you banned.
If your post is watermarked it must match your username only, no other watermarks
Pictures and vids of couples and girls only. No single guy pics. If posting as a couple both of you must be in the post. No dick pics or pics of a dick with a girl obscured in the background.
Don't make a post that is just link(s). Don't spam with "Get more of my pics at (Blank)". No Upvote for nudes or snap address!
Titles should be statements rather than questions, as questions prompt the user to interact with the submission in an inorganic way.
No begging for upvotes in the title including the promise to see more nudity, the promise to send links or the tease to show more for upvotes. No drama posts to create sympathy and votes or spammy titles that encourage vote manipulation
ABSOLUTELY NO MINORS! no mention of minors, no pics of minors, no minors accidently in the background. Violation of this will result in immediate ban and reporting to Reddit Admins
NO R4R - No advertising for hookups, meetups, additions to your entourage, collaborations, sexting, or video chats. INCLUDING: telling girls to DM you (commenting DM me on posts will get you banned and reported for SPAM)
Must be from Alberta. If you are posting in other location based subs not from Alberta it will shed serious doubt on you being from Alberta and your posts will be removed and you will be banned for spamming,
Any mention of selling or other media in the title or photo may result in a temporary or permanent ban. This includes (but is not limited to) OnlyFans, Patreon, KIK, Snapchat, Twitter etc.
No Directing people to your paid profiles in comments either.
This also includes any file sharing platforms like Mega, Rapdishare and so on.
No low quality or not wild pictures, including screenshots, snap grabs, black bars on sides of pictures, pictures of pictures or excessively obscure or censored pictures.
No watermarking pics with the exception of your Reddit username.
If you are using your phone to grab pics from videos of yours, use the edit feature to crop the excess black bars off of the picture
Your pictures must contain you in them and must fit the NSFW theme
/r/PhoenixSwingers (43.3K)
/r/AlbertaGoneWild (1.6K)
/r/Indiana_Swingers (83.0K)
/r/YVRGoneWild (65.9K)
/r/WesternCanadaGonewild (12.4K)
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