personals (r4r) in the Albuquerque and Northern New Mexico area.
1.18+ Users only Any users found to be of underage will be banned.
Posts must follow this format [AGE] [Gender(s)4Gender(s) ...
You May Post Once Every Twelve Hours Only. Posting frequently and attempting to bypass this rule with alt accounts will be banned.
Respect The Privacy Of Others Do not ask for or share content of other people. This includes but not limited to rating/sharing/tributing content of SO's/ family members/friends. All such posts will be removed and the user banned
Don't Share Personal Information Don't post, share, or even hint to email addresses, Kik, Snapchat, phone numbers, etc. Save them for PMs, not public posts or comments.
Sexism, racism, homophobia/ transphobia, body-shaming, rudeness will NOT be tolerated.
If you happen to see a post you disagree with we always advise you to move on, providing the post does not break subreddit rules (if it does, report/contact us). Engaging the poster and bickering back and forth usually gets both accounts banned because it turns into a flame war. Note: normal discourse/ discussion is fine and encouraged, openly flaming and attacking is not.
Please use /r/Albuquerquehookup for hookup content. This subreddit is reserved for looking for relationships or dating, not casual hookups.
/r/Albuquerquehookup (26.0K)
/r/getting_laid_in_ABQ (666)
/r/DTF_Albuquerque_NM (1.2K)
/r/South_Carolina_R4R (1.0K)
/r/AlbuquerqueDL (1.8K)
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