/r/AsianFeet is a place for Asian women to show case their feet. OC only
If you're not of Asian descent or from Asia you are not allowed to post here. From the middle east to PI if you're not from this specific area go to r/soles instead. *Reminder you need 1k Karma to post here
Bare feet only! You must show at least one foot.
Female nudity is welcome here but not required. Penises are not! Male nudity, dildos, and penetration is not allowed. No hard core content as soles should be the main focus. Soles and Holes are fine but no insertion of any kind.
This community is OC only. This means no girlfriends, wives, partners feet, ect. The feet must be your own!
In order to verify, you must create a sign with your exact Reddit username, the date you submit your verification, and r/asianfeet. You must then crumple the paper and smooth it out. Take three pictures with your feet (if you plan to show your face show face too in the Verification) and the sign in 3 different angles/positions. Make sure the sign is legible and send to Modmail. The Modmail subject should be Verification and you should attach the redgif link into the body of the message.
Watermarks are okay but it must be your reddit username only.
Asking for DM's, posting your Onlyfans link or explicitly selling in the caption is not allowed. You ARE allowed to post your link in the comment section but keep it out of the caption as it looks spammy.
No save bots, nothing too explicit, and respect goes a long way so respect our posters. If you write a hate comment you will be immediately banned. Practice the golden rule if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all.
No minors, no bestiality, incest, no firearms, and anything illegal or discriminatory to any groups of people.
The quality of your content must look like there was effort put into it. This means no blurry or grainy pictures or videos. Essentially, make it look like it wasn't taken on Snapchat.
/r/desifeet (21.4K)
/r/VIPFeet (125.4K)
/r/asianmadness (28.4K)
/r/submissiveasiansluts (312.1K)
/r/bootsfeetjob (6.2K)
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