Post any porn you have with Australians acting in it. Professional and amateurs are welcome. So get naked and get share'n.
Fuck off, I hate you.
If I can track down your location via the internet and you are clearly not Aussie or have posted in multiple location subs then your post will be removed until verification.
I do recognise verification from other subs. A picture with username and date in an unidentifiable room inside is not verification.
Don't post grainy/shitty pictures. Crap pics will be removed without warning on sight.
Karma manipulation can include anything like:
Upvote begging and any mention of arrows
Copypasted e-thot titles
Terrible comment bait questions
This rule is set for RepostSleuthBot which means you have been flagged as a high volume reposter.
If you are a bot then do nothing and your ban will stay and I hate you. If you are a person and you think this is unfair then you can appeal your ban by sending a MOD MAIL to the mods here and we can discuss your ban. Either that or you can stop reposting the same image to every damn sub.
/r/StepFantasyProduction (248.0K)
/r/nakedbodypaint (13.7K)
/r/CuratedAmateurPorn (42.3K)
/r/NotSafeForWork18 (3.7K)
/r/amwfamateurs (1.1K)
Last updated at: