Spicy subreddit /r/AverageAnimeTiddies

About this subreddit:

The magical land where medium is premium.


  1. 1. Rule 1: No paywalled content

    Posting paywalled content, such as images exclusively on Patreon, Pixiv Fanbox, or in paid art books, will get your post removed.

  2. 2. Rule 2: Be civil

    Please be nice to each other. Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated on this subreddit. This extends to insults regarding sex, race, religion, or sexual orientation. This shouldn't be necessary, so let's keep things kind.

  3. 3. Rule 3: No redirecting traffic

    Self-promotion of any kind (unless previously approved by the moderation team) will result in a warning or ban at moderator discretion. This includes linking off-site to any services as a form of promotion, such as private Discord channels, personal pages, GoFundMe, etc.

  4. 4. Rule 4: Avoid graphic NSFW content

    Please avoid posting graphic NSFW content. We are an ecchi subreddit. Posts will be removed if they depict sex or sexual activities, including but not limited to oral sex, penetration, phallic objects, and bodily fluids.

    Repeated offences will result in a ban.

  5. 5. Rule 5: Please source

    If you are posting any content, please make sure to include the source in the comments. Posts without the inclusion of a source will be subject to removal. If your post is OC (Original Content), please flair it as following:

    [OC] Post title here

    If a post is submitted without a source, and a source is not provided within 24 hours of posting, it may be subject to removal.

  6. 6. Rule 6: Low effort content

    Please avoid posting low-effort content. We try our best to keep the content top-tier on the sub. If you are uploading your own personal work, make sure to flair it properly.

    If posts or comments beg for upvotes or karma, the post/comment will be removed and the user will be dealt with appropriately.

  7. 7. Rule 7: Follow content policy

    If your post does not meet or follow Reddit's content policy, it can and will be removed without warning and the user will be met with a ban.

    This includes content that falls under the category of "loli"

  8. 8. Rule 8: Image hosting

    Reddit doesn't allow for direct uploading of NSFW images via their image servers on the desktop version of Reddit. To supplement this, we ask that you please use a reputable image host when uploading images. Preferably, use Imgur, but you may also link off-site to things such as a Pixiv.

  9. 9. Rule 9: Actually average

    As this is the purpose of this subreddit, we ask that you actually post average sized anime tiddies. Posts violating this rule will be removed at moderator discretion. Refer to the image below for help:

    Size Guide (NSFW)

    Use your best discretion when posting. If you are unsure, feel free to message the moderators

  10. 10. Rule 10: No reposts of images less than 3 months old

    If an image is posted that has been posted previously within the past three months, the post will be subject to removal. Any repost within the top five posts in the "Top of All Time" category will be removed, even if it has been longer than three months. You can use RepostSleuth to check for reposts on our sub!

  11. 11. Rule 11: Non-anime/human content

    We allow non-human content as long as it remains in an anime-based style. Content that diverges from this style will be removed and is up to moderator adjudication. This includes but is not limited to 3D content, furry content, and western animations

  12. 12. Rule 12: Well-defined busts

    All images should have busts as the main focus of the image (e.g. the average anime tiddies). Clothed and mostly SFW images are allowed, but the busts should have a clear form so that they can actually be determined as average.

  13. 13. Rule 13: No brigading

    This primarily includes making comments pointing out a character's age, such as, "But she's only 14!" We take Reddit's TOS seriously, so instead of making these comments, report the post and we will arrive at a decision. This comes after there have been cases of subreddits/users being reprimanded because of similar comments on posts that were perfectly okay.

  14. 14. Rule 14: No AI generated images

    Images created using Artificial Intelligence or "AI" programs are at the center of a very large debate. Based on moderator discussion, AI images are currently prohibited from this subreddit.

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