Spicy subreddit /r/BBWpee

About this subreddit:

For those who like to watch big girls pee.


  1. 1. No off-topic content
  2. 2. No spam, advertisements, preview clips, or screenshots of paid content

    This is a place for free sharing of content. Producers of Original Content may mention their other profiles and sites in comments on their own posts, so long as the majority of what they post here is free content. "Preview" content does not count as free content. Mentioned sites or profiles must be free and cannot require signup, unless you have verified as a seller per Rule #3. Excessive or spammy advertising, or any hint at unsafe or scammy selling, may result in post removals or a ban.

  3. 3. Content sellers must verify to participate

    Users who sell content in any form must be verified. This includes accounts using seller platforms to distribute free content. Verification does not absolve you from Rule #2. If you don't wish to verify, you may instead choose to post under a separate account without any reference to custom or pay content; it is recommended to inform the mods if you do this, so you aren't accused of stealing content. Please message the moderators if you need verified.

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