A BC-wide community for those who wish to have an affair. ENM and Non-ENM. Only approved users can post. Read the FAQ for more information.
No selling or solicitation is allowed. If you are caught doing this, you will be permanently banned.
Any kind of bullying or harassment is not welcome here.
Any kind of doxxing/actively trying to out users by gaining their personal information is prohibited.
Do not post phone numbers, email addresses, socials, or other external contact information. If you wish to exchange this information, do so in a DM.
Cannot be under 18 years old or requesting someone under 18.
Please post your age and designator, i.e. [M4F] [F4M] and so on. All posts must also have a location hashtag.
This rule is enforced by AutoMod. If you get it wrong, AutoMod will remove your post and provide you further context. The expected format is:
29 [F4M] #YourLocation - Your title here
More information can be found in the FAQ.
Your post text must be 100 characters or more. Put some effort into describing yourself, whom you're searching for. Use your words!
You are allowed one post per 24 hours. This is bot-enforced. Your post will be automatically removed if you post more frequently,
Just like fight club - what happens in r/Affairs stays in r/Affairs. If you are caught discussing interactions, cross-posting, or sharing media elsewhere - you will be banned with extreme prejudice.
This is a sub meant for those who wish to practice non-monogamy - "ethical" or not. Complaints about it will be reason for ejection.
/r/LifestyleLadies (1.4K)
/r/nonmonogamy (160.6K)
/r/Incestfamilies (11.1K)
/r/pueblohook_up (908)
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