Spicy subreddit /r/BWCbigwhitecocks

About this subreddit:

Got a "big white cock"!?...straight, gay, bi, we don't mind...get 'em out guys.


  1. 1. Stolen Content/Catfish

    If you are found to be catfishing, using others pictures to promote an account of your own, you will be banned permanently, (no questions asked), and have all content removed...users, please do continue to contact us/point out these accounts we may miss/have not noticed as yet.

  2. 2. No Minors.

    Anyone under the age of 18+ will be banned.

  3. 3. Soliciting

    Soliciting sexual services, and/or, content are not permitted on our sub...anyone doing so will receive an immediate, and permanent, ban from our page.

  4. 4. Promoting Content Sale

    Anyone posting content to promote the sale of their private content, will have posts removed.

  5. 5. Only Post Yourself!

    Any post, containing any individual, other than yourself, (the account holder), will be removed automatically due to privacy concerns.

  6. 6. No Duplicate Posts

    Content that has been posted previously, and/or, posting content, only to delete it, then re-post it, will see posts removed.

  7. 7. Keep Things Civil.

    Harrassing other users, and/or, derogatory comments, will not be tolerated...keep things civil and friendly...someone offends you, keep it to yourself, and/or, report them...do not leave negative comments/harass other users.

  8. 8. Content Quality

    Post should be clear/visible to viewers, and should not be of poor quality...ie, blurring, (not inc.face if you want to remain anonymous), lighting, etc.

  9. 9. No Photoshopped Content

    Any content that appears to be altered will be removed.

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