Baldur's Gate NSFW porn content
Any type of content is allowed - you can post arts/gifs of traditional artists, 3D arts/gifs, AI arts, porn videos, porn gifs, porn photos, cosplays, comics.
Attempts to start a rebellion and attempts to organize a crusade against any type of content will lead to a permanent ban. Our community is a stronghold for any type of content, we do not allow certain artists to destroy their competitors by provoking our subscribers, as happens in other communities.
For all artists (including AI artists) - in case of posting low-quality and scary pictures (with "mutants", with scary faces and very poor drawing) - your pictures, gif or video will be deleted, and if bad content is posted several times - you get banned for several months (and will get banned again until you learn to make quality content).
For now, we do not have an automatic limit on the number of posts, as we rely on your honesty. If someone starts making several posts a day in our community, we will introduce an automatic restriction, but for now enjoy your freedom!
Advertising only personal pages of artists, cosplayers, content authors is allowed. Advertising of services is prohibited, and spam advertising is also prohibited.
Anyone who spams and/or publishes negative posts/comments will be banned!
/r/FemboyFutaCoalition (196.5K)
/r/rule34CodeVein (8.6K)
/r/TikTokPornPosts (43.4K)
/r/miapipai (3.8K)
/r/porngames (14.5K)
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