Spicy subreddit /r/BigJigglyFurries

About this subreddit:

This is where all the thickest, biggest, milkiest Furry girls come to show off their luscious bodies. Enjoy (:


  1. 1. Gender Tag Titles and Include Artist Name

    Automod will remove your post if you do not include a gender tag at the beginning of each title. This is a set of brackets with the first letters of either [M]ale, [F]emale, [H]ermaphrodite, or [T]entacle separated by a slash. This is a very simple setup, and you can reference any of my posts to see it done correctly. I will be disappointed in you if you manage to screw it up. Here is an example:

    [H/F/F] Title (Artist)

    Also put artist names in (Parenthesis). If you do not know, write (Unkown)

  2. 2. No Underage Characters

    Characters should not appear childlike, or be involved in any child indicators like school settings or extreme innocence.

    If a character is canonically young, but in the art clearly aged up, then that is fine. I do not care if Misty from Pokemon is 6ft, stacked, carries herself like a woman, and is clearly an adult. But if she is 4ft, screen accurate, and innocent, that will get you banned.

  3. 3. No Gross Fetishes

    No Scat, Gore, Farts, Dirty Dicks, Ugly Bastards, Monsters, Bestiality, or anything else gross. I'm not kink shaming, but you know who you are and you know your kink is niche, so keep it to yourself.

  4. 4. No Rape or Brutality

    I'm not asking for a big long consent scene at the beginning of each comic where they delve into their feelings and such. I won't question questionable scenarios. But I will remove brutal depictions of rape. Crying, pain, verbal abuse, etc are all NOs.

  5. 5. Do Not be a Troll

    If I catch trolls on this subreddit you will meet the nasty side of my personality. I am really awful when I'm angry because I believe trolls are worthless and I'm happy to explain why if I think you are one. Don't get blasted by me. I only start these communities to foster loving happy places because I like making others happy. It really pisses me off when people f*** that up.

    Also, if a post has good art and isnt breaking rules, don't downvote it! That's not what the button is for!

  6. 6. No Spam or Self Promotion

    Artists are welcome to share their own work, but no direct links to paywall sites.

    Do not post more than 5 or so times over the course of a few hours. This causes posts to be pushed to the bottom and not receive the attention they deserve. Also please don't just share one character. If you consistently only upload Gardevoir hentai I will begin removing your posts.

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