It's back! A POSITIVE place for locals and residents to show off, hook up, and share news about local events.
This includes Only Fans, Chaturbate, and other paid services. We want to keep this a community for amateur Idahoans to share their fun side. We do not care if you have one, just do not link to it or hint that you have one in your postings to BoiseGoneWild
While this sub does allow R4R posts, they do not get much traction, and you assume any risks from following up on these leads. All requests for meet up (R4R) need to be tagged appropriately. The first R represents you (M)ale, (F)emale, (C)ouple, (N)on binary, (A)ny and the second R represents what you are looking for. Example C4C (Couple for Couple) M4A (Male for Any) or F4F (Female for Female)
Repeated posts will be deleted. Duplicate pictures or posts will be removed regardless of if it was last week, last month, etc. Make each post a unique expression of your inner freak!
Only post pictures of yourself or a consenting partner. Users violating this will receive an immediate ban and escalation to the reddit admin team. Reddit will cooperate with legal authorities in these cases. Abusive or harassing comments will not be tolerated and will earn an immediate ban. Sexualizing minors under ANY circumstances will be banned and reported immediately.
Post pictures of yourself or another consenting adult ONLY
Pictures of landscapes, pets, food or any other medium will be removed.
Memes are not allowed.
You MUST be verified to post. The sub will reject and or remove any post that is submitted by a non-verified user. If you wish to verify and post here, please contact modmail with a link to a picture of you holding a piece of crumpled paper with your username, the date, and the subreddit name written clearly. WE RESPECT ANONYMITY AND DO NOT NEED TO SEE YOUR FACE. You will be verified with the flair that you submit. If you choose to post couple pics, both must be in the picture to confirm consent
/r/AussieGWNetwork (14.5K)
/r/flr (22.3K)
/r/atxgetswild (9.3K)
/r/SantaRosaR4R (8.2K)
/r/NJr4r (55.7K)
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