For those into DDLG and Breeding
Read Rules Before Posting!
Consider helping by donating to the continued moderation of this community for the protection and well being of all users.
Post about “sending pics if “x#” of people comment” will no longer be tolerated. Most of these the OP doesn’t follow through and just using it as a way to farm Karma from comments.
To be approved for photo verification user flair please send a photo clearly showing your face holding a paper with the following:
1) r/breedmedaddy 2) your username 3) current date
Send message to modmail for approval, photos must be sent as a link there are many options for sending photos as a link. Any verifications sent through pm will be ignored.
Be truthful, if you are looking for someone or if you are looking for customers for content creation purposes at least be truthful. Anyone messaging members to spam their content creation will be temporarily banned for a week and on second offense it will be permanent.
If you are reporting deceitful actions provide proof via modmail.
That being said there is no rules against content creator posts, reporting such as spam or other will be ignored unless such actions go against any set rules.
If you are a content creator not intending to find someone to talk to other than for the purpose of finding customers you must use the “Content Advertising” post flair. Other flairs are for use for those seeking some kind of actual connection.
Profiles with links to content creation sites will result in assumption that your post flair should be CA
3 incorrect flair uses will be considered deceitful action and result in a temperarory ban. Further violations after will result in permanent ban.
Any posts with hundreds of upvotes in a few hours time will removed as suspected illegal/purchased upvotes. Repeated offenses will lead to bans.
/r/Breeding_her (120.7K)
/r/forcebreeding (33.0K)
/r/DDLG_SFW (9.9K)
/r/breeding_kink (91)
/r/breed_me_master (2.7K)
Last updated at: