A place for all your Catpeople Hentai. No matter if they are a man, woman, or anything in between. If they are a Catperson then they are allowed here.
Basically just don't be a jerk. This shouldn't be a problem, but just in case it is you can't say it's not in the rules.
I think this is self-explanatory but, no loli catpeople.
All of Reddit's normal rules apply here as well.
The second word in this subreddit's name is "hentai" you are not allowed to post pictures of yourself or others here.
This is to ensure that people don't just repost the same images just to start roleplaying with someone.
/r/HentaiPetgirls (288.8K)
/r/HentaiCages (21.9K)
/r/FuckOutdoors (168.1K)
/r/HentaiYoutube (7.3K)
/r/HentaiScat (38.8K)
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