Spicy subreddit /r/CharlieRed

About this subreddit:

The unofficial subreddit for the Czech pornographic actress Charlie Red.


  1. 1. Abide by site-wide rules

    All submissions must comply with Reddit Content Policy and Reddiquette.

  2. 2. Keep it on-topic

    All submissions must be related to Charlie Red. If you wish to submit a comment or link post that you believe would be of interest to the community but is not self-evidently related, please include an explanation of its relevance in your comment or wrap the link in a self-post that explains its relevance.

  3. 3. Don't post or comment spam links

    Links to videos are welcome but posts or comments containing links that lead to low-quality pages which mostly contain advertisements are not. Here is a list of approved domains.

  4. 4. Provide a source

    If possible, image/video posts should be followed up with a comment from the poster containing information related to its source, e.g. set name, release date, links to the set's page, gallery, etc. For posts of short animated images/videos (duration < 5 minutes) a link to an easily accessible, longer version would be welcome.

  5. 5. Don't repost

    Duplicates of older posts are not welcome. To check if an image has previously been posted on the subreddit, you can use Karma Decay. To check if a link has previously been posted, you should search for it using Reddit's search function.

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