r/ChrisChanSonichu Come watch Chris Chan Sonichu, the Original Autistic Virgin with Rage. Mother fucking MOTHERFUCKER. Christine Weston Chandler Sonichu from CWCville! Yes, he fucked his mother. Have a seat.
Anything may be removed without telling you shit.
Submissions must be CWC related:
Don't post "I found a new Chris" bullshit.
Don't add "Chris" to random shit & pretend it's topical.
Post "The Classic" shirt in r/The_Classic, NOT HERE. It's tired.
Posting images of Fanta, CWC initials, pickles, yellow Sonic, etc. will be removed.
AI content? Fuck that garbage, it's not allowed here.
"What if Chris...?" speculative nonsense posts will be removed. Post those on /r/WhatIfChris. Posts about hypotheticals related to Chris that don’t use the words “What if” are still what if’s and will be removed
Fuck your NEW Discord every other week. STFU.
Don't post anyone's real personal info. Don't even imply that you could.
This is not r/MLP. Sensitivity weakens us and will be culled. If mean words hurt you, this probably isn't the place for you. If you start flipping out I'll ban you so I don't need to protect you.
We aren't here to advertise your troll idea. Fuck off.
Don't argue Chris' gender [for either side]. Don't dictate what pronoun is right. It's stupid and derails conversations.
There's a recent thread of literally the same thing. It's usually a 'first one posted stays' rule, but sometimes we'll keep the more active one up to avoid disrupting discussion.
It clogs the sub when people post a screenshot of every little insignificant thing chris does on the internet, Please try to at least decide if it's actually relevant. If you don't agree tell us why in the mod mail. Maybe we'll respond.
The only other rules are Reddit's site-wide rules. You agreed to a buncha shit when you registered. Mainly:
Have fun or I'll ban you.
/r/MarriedSex (19.2K)
/r/short_porn (520.1K)
/r/getcuck (56.2K)
/r/AI_Bondage (638)
/r/Car_Sex (7.5K)
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