Sub is now set to Restricted. If you would like to post, send a MOD MAIL ONLY (not a direct chat) and we will approve you. Blank profiles and those hinting at OF or content will not be approved.
A place for Colorado-based swingers. Open to Lifestylers in this great state and those that plan to visit!
Please read all rules before posting!
Pretty self explanatory.
In order to get approved to post on r/coloradoswingers, you must submit a request via modmail. In order to maintain a quality spam-free feed, we do not approve new or blank profiles. Comment and post in related subs or on your profile to become eligible. Like with any swingers club, we may limit single male intake numbers to maintain gender balance.
All titles should have your gender and location. Examples [MF4MF], [MF4M], [M4MF], etc., followed by your location (City or Region). Age is optional, but would be a nice piece of information to have. If couples are asking for couples and females only, single males please respect their request and do not reach out to them.
MF posts with pics need to have a pic of both or the post will be removed. Stop hiding the males.
Flairs are now required on posts. Please choose which one best fits what you are looking for.
This is not a picture posting sub. All post should be a topic about swinging or a post of what you are looking for (see gender tag/location).
Do not post, share, or hint at email addresses, KiK, Snapchat, OnlyFans, phone numbers, etc.
Save them for PM's, not public posts or comments, If you see users sharing such information, please hit the report button so that a mod can review it. Repeated offenses can and may lead to a ban.
This rule applies to all males, not just singles. Any pics of only a close up dick will be removed. Please show full body if your dick is in it. A violation of this rule more than twice will result in a permanent ban from the sub.
Please try and keep posts to two in a 24 hour period.
Selling posts are not allowed. This includes OnlyFans, Twitter promotions, or "Hookups" on Kik.
Success stories of positive encounters that started here are always welcomed and encouraged. Common sense dictates that each party is okay with the information/details being posted, so that there are no surprises from either party.
There is absolutely no reason or room for negative, degrading, or shaming comments in this sub. If you don't like what you see, just move on. If you have sent a user a DM, there is no need for you to leave a comment saying "I DM'd you" Trust us, they got it.
This should be pretty obvious!
/r/NewYorkSwingers (26.1K)
/r/ALSwingers (15.6K)
/r/RISwingers (10.3K)
/r/TwinCitiesSPICE (7.7K)
/r/209swing (5.4K)
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