Spicy subreddit /r/Cum_Kissing

About this subreddit:

Nothing says "I love you" like helping her swallow your cum. Whether it's women snowballing men, or men and women kissing and reveling with his cum (or someone else's!); the best relationships share equally. Welcome to the best place to enjoy people intimately sharing the aftermath of a great orgasm!


  1. 1. Posts, Images or Videos must be on topic, involving a man and a woman sharing cum.

    Posts must directly address/discuss/involve cum kissing or snowballing.

    Images or videos must show cum sharing, kissing, snowballing, etc between a man and a woman. The cum can be from a 3rd person, so long as it's shared between a man and woman in the content.

    Female-Female cumkissing is hot, but belongs in the correct subreddit.

    Male-Male cumkissing is also hot, but also belongs in the correct subreddit.

    Off-Topic posts will be removed, and repeat offenders may be muted.

  2. 2. No doxxing. Respect poster and commenter privacy.

    This sub caters to a niche kink that not everyone is open to. Some posters will take steps to protect their identity and privacy. It is absolutely unacceptable to reveal any information about a poster without their consent, unless said information is publicly available in their post history or profile.

    This is a zero tolerance rule that will result in a permanent ban on the first infraction, as well as escalation to Reddit admins for a site-wide ban.

  3. 3. No hate speech, harassment, shaming, gatekeeping, trolling, or intolerance.

    This sub is dedicated to a niche kink that covers a diverse group of people.

    Be accepting of everyone and anyone who posts here within the rules; we're all here because we love sharing cum first!

    Posts and comments violating this rule will be removed, and offenders will be muted or banned as appropriate. Hate speech violations in particular will result in a ban.

  4. 4. No spam.

    Spam is not allowed. This includes posting links to unrelated sites or content, soliciting karma, offering unrelated services, or other activity designed to lure traffic.

    This also includes botting or automated posting. User-made scheduled posts are fine.

    Spam posts will be removed, and repeat offenders will be banned.

  5. 5. No paid content links/solicitation in posts/comments.

    Paid content creators are welcome to post here, but they can not share their links or direct users to their paid content in posts or comments on this subreddit.

    If you have a post on your profile that links to your paid content, that's fine!

    Paid content links/solicitation will be removed, and repeat offenders will be muted or banned as apporpriate.

  6. 6. No claiming other's content as your own. (Sharing links/reposting is fine!)

    Claiming another poster's content as your own OC (orginal content) is a violation of Reddit's site rules and against general common sense.

    Do not claim anything posted here is your OC unless it is. Users caught posting another's content and claiming it to be their own OC will be banned.

  7. 7. Make a reasonable effort to not repost content that has been posted recently.

    Make a reasonable effort to ensure that you aren't reposting something that was already posted in the last 6 months.

    There are a number of "classic" videos relating to cumkissing/snowballing, and they tend to get shared repeatedly. Reposting is good and healthy for a subreddit, but we have to balance post activity with post freshness.

    Reposts of content already posted in the last 6 months may be removed.

  8. 8. All posts must have a flair selected.

    All posts must have an accurate flair selected. If you aren't sure which flair applies, choose what you feel is the closest option, then notify the mods if you feel another flair should be added to better suit it.

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