Spicy subreddit /r/CutCocks

About this subreddit:

A place to post photos or videos of circumcised penises. Cut cocks just don't get enough love around here!


  1. 1. Adults only.
    • Redditors must over the age of 18 to participate in this subreddit.
    • Do not submit photos or video of minors, or content that otherwise sexualizes minors.
  2. 2. Showcase the circumcised penis.
    • Make sure there’s at least one clearly visible circumcised penis in the content being submitted, or that the post generally focuses on having a cut cock.
    • Please report any Off-Topic threads.
  3. 3. Treat others with decency and respect.
    • Avoid engaging in personal attacks, name-calling, hate speech, baiting, trolling, or objectively immature behavior.
    • Don't flame others for having differing opinions from your own. — This is not the place to debate circumcision, and we will not tolerate users harassing/attacking others over philosophical differences.
  4. 4. Don't post your contact info, social media profiles, or chat usernames.
    • Don't try to post your contact info, social media profiles, or chat usernames in thread titles, comments, or embedded watermarks.
    • If you try to bypass the spam filter with intentional typos, you will be permanently banned.
  5. 5. Don't promote paid content or premium sites.
    • This isn't the place to shamelessly self-promote your paid content or premium site (i.e. OnlyFans).
    • Any attempt to promote paid content in your thread title, thread comments, content watermark, or Reddit username will result in the content being removed and/or the user banned.
    • Don't suggest users to visit your Reddit profile if your profile directs users to your paid content or premium site profile.
  6. 6. Don’t ask for upvotes.
    • Don't ask others to upvote or like your content.
  7. 7. Don't excessively repost content.
    • Please don’t repost the same image repeatedly.
    • As a general guideline, we don't need to see the same content every day. We probably saw it the first time so try posting something new.
    • Repeat violations may result in a ban.
  8. 8. Don't impersonate others.
    • Any attempt to catfish others by using stolen content will result in your account being banned.
  9. 9. Don’t submit low-quality content.
    • Screenshots (i.e. content that has visible black bars or other UI elements) will be removed.
    • Content that has been excessively edited (i.e. Photoshopped or otherwise heavily filtered) will be removed.
    • Blurry or out-of-focus content may be removed.
  10. 10. Watermark guidelines.
    • If you wish to include a watermark to protect your content, only use your Reddit username for the watermark.
    • Watermarks that direct users to your chat username, contact info, social media, or premium site (i.e. OnlyFans) will result in your thread being removed and/or your account being banned.

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