PLEASE READ THE RULES BEFORE COMMENTING OR POSTING. This is a dedicated subreddit for Daddies, Mommies, Middles and Littles to share NSFW content relevant to the lifestyle with others. NO PERSONAL ADS PERMITTED. Any posts or comments that breach the subreddit rules will result in an instant ban.
Please do not post personal ads, including friendship or relationship seeking posts within this subreddit. However, posts seeking relationship advice relevant to the theme is welcomed.
Don't make posts with titles or captions that bait Redditors into responding, such as, "What would you do to me?" or, "What do you think, Daddy?" This includes titles that are overly sexual in nature, such as, “Please use me,” etc. This rule also applies to subtitles or comments.
Please be respectful of other users. Comments including name calling (including the inappropriate use of pet names, e.g. 'princess', 'babygirl' or 'little one', expressions such as ‘good girl’, or insults of the original poster or other users of this subreddit will not be tolerated. This includes comments describing what someone would like to do to the OP, or referring to yourself as OP’s ‘Daddy’. Such comments will be removed and repeat offenders will be banned from the subreddit.
Please do not advertise selling sites, private Snapchat, group chats, discord servers, or other communities within this subreddit. Sellers are welcome to post here, but any sort of selling activity is banned.
NSFW content must be relevant to the dynamic, and include some element of ddlg in the photo (e.g. outfit items such as collars, stuffies, pacifiers, long socks and the like for Littles). Don't just post a picture of your genitalia. Images must also comply with the standard Reddit NSFW rules (no censoring of photos using stickers or masking marks - if you wish to censor faces or poses, you should do so within the photo itself by use of pose, clothing or cropping).
This subreddit is strongly against paedophilia or any content pertaining to persons under 18. NSFW content involving a minor will result in an automatic ban.
Posts containing nudity should be an image of the original poster and must be assigned 'ORIGINAL CONTENT' or 'CONTAINS NUDITY' flair. Photos of third parties are not permitted; please use other subreddits for this. Images (including drawings or artwork that are not created by the poster) Links to porn sites and other social mediaare not allowed; this subreddit is aimed at encouraging those in the dynamic to express themselves.
To protect vulnerable users, posts or comments requesting DMs are not allowed in this subreddit.
Please do not make posts with titles that refer to other users of this subreddit as your ‘Daddy’ or ‘Mommy’. For example, “I need you, Daddy!” or “Do you like this, Daddy?”
These types of titles are banned because they encourage inappropriate responses from other Redditors.
However, referring to your own caregiver/partner, for example, “I’m waiting for my Daddy,” or, “Look what Mommy got for me!” is perfectly acceptable.
Reddit has flagged your account for attempted ban evasion. This is a breach of both Reddit’s rules and the rules of this subreddit.
Many of our members, while they enjoy posting here, do not wish to receive messages or chats from other Redditors, particularly ones that are sexual or personal in nature.
The ‘NO DMs’ flair has been created so that those that do not wish to receive messages and chats can easily notify everyone of the fact.
Anyone found to be messaging members of the subreddit that do not wish to be contacted will receive a permanent ban.
/r/Daddy (267.9K)
/r/DDLG_Porn (392.4K)
/r/OklahomaHotWives (48.7K)
/r/DDLG_SFW (9.9K)
/r/medical_fetish (12.6K)
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