Spicy subreddit /r/DarkSidePlayground

About this subreddit:

All posts are FOR adults, made BY adults and DEPICTING adults. No one under 18 is allowed to participate.

Audios and scripts that have to do with taboo subjects but not limited to such. We are open to almost any kinks and there will be NO shaming. Come enjoy!


  1. 1. Audios and scripts only

    This is a subreddit ONLY for posting audios and scripts. Asking for pictures, looking for partners, confessions and other requests/posts are not allowed.

  2. 2. Gender tags

    Any post that contains a recording/script requires gender tags. The tag is enclosed by brackets and contains the performer(s) and listener(s) the recording/script is for. For examples [M4F] means a male performer for a female audience, [FF4FM] means two female performers for a female and a male listener.

    A stands for all, anyone M stands for male F stands for female TM stands trans male TF stands for trans female NB stands for non-binary

  3. 3. Tags

    It's preferred to put the most important tags first. If the post includes any kind of rape, you MUST include the rape tag. For more suggestion on tags, go here.

  4. 4. Age posts

    Following reddit wide rules we don't allow any posts that include age, so the tags [age] [ageplay] [no age] are not allowed.

    The tags like dd/lg, md/lb and variations of that are allowed though, but all posts must depict, be made by and for adults over the age of 18.

  5. 5. Linking audios and scripts

    We prefer if you use sites like soundgasm.net, whyp.it and similar sites that is built for adult content. We advise against using google drive for sharing scripts since it can reveal the account name of the document owner.

  6. 6. Collabs

    When posting a collab it is preferred that all participants are verified on DSP, if they aren't they need to comment on the collab saying that they approve the use of their voice.

  7. 7. Script offers, fills and requests

    Script offers: include the [script offer] tag and/or the script offer flair.

    Script fills: if your audio is based on a script offer you MUST include the [script fill] tag and link back to the script offer. Letting the script author know is commonly very appreciated.

    Requests: Use the tag [request] if you are requesting a script or audio. The [Request fill] tag is required for scripts or audios that fills a request.

  8. 8. No kinkshaming or being rude

    This is a safe space for people to express what they want. Don't kinkshame, bully or be rude towards other people. If you find something you don't like, simply scroll past.

  9. 9. How to get verified

    PERFORMERS, make a verification post with an audio with you saying:

    • Your exact reddit username, this is especially important if your username is spelled in an usual way.

    • A mention of darkside playground

    • The current date in full (that means year, month and day)

    • Stating that you are over the age of 18

    WRITERS can request verification flair through modmail when you have posted at least one script, preferably with links to scripts.

  10. 10. Promotion

    This is not a subreddit for promoting paywalled content, this means that very short audios teasing for more content that is behind a paywall is not allowed. However, posting content that can stand on its own and then having a link to other content behind a paywall is fine.

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