NSFW. Post any and all dirty confessions here. Be sure to read all of the rules before posting. NO PICTURES OR VIDEO POSTING WITHOUT BEING A VERIFIED USER. You need 7 post & 10 comment karma to be able to post.
All posts must be a clear and succinctly written confession, meaning no low-effort posts (I want to have sex with so-and-so, I want to suck dick, etc.) Any meta posts must have a [Meta] tag in the title.
This should go without saying but it's here for the sake of posterity.
Kik, OnlyFans, Patreon, Discord, or anything of the sort is not allowed. There are an abundance of other subs to find customers, so please refrain from doing it here.
Any posts with an image attached will be removed. Breaking this rule repeatedly will result in in immediate ban.
No harrassing, instigating, racist, or inflammatory comments. Have some common sense before being insulting.
We do not care to read about your family. Please take it to any other subreddit.
We need something more than single sentence confessions.
No OF or content sellers. If you want to post here. Your profile needs to be OF or selling free.
/r/Erotica (285.4K)
/r/confessionsgonewild (90.4K)
/r/EroticaConfessions (19.9K)
/r/Hairbuns (4.0K)
/r/Taboomomconfession (1.5K)
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