Spicy subreddit /r/DrawMeNSFW

About this subreddit:

A place where you can get your NSFW pics drawn by an artist!


  1. 1. Only adults allowed

    This is a NSFW sub. That being true, nudity in some form is allowed but not required. Must be 18+ to be on this subreddit and to submit.

  2. 2. No Filters, AI or Photo Manipulation

    Any art reply that has photo manipulation MUST be used on their own hand drawn art. All other forms of photo manipulation are not allowed

  3. 3. No spamming

    No spamming, of any kind

  4. 4. There are more rules

    Review the full rules here: https://www.reddit.com/r/DrawMeNSFW/wiki/rules/

  5. 5. No lewd comments

    No lascivious comments towards those who submit photos

  6. 6. No unrequested critique

    You may not critique the art unless the artist has specifically requested it

  7. 7. Subject permission required

    You must have permission from whomever is in the pic that you are submitting to have it drawn, and you give permission for an artist to use that pic for their art. For group pics, or pictures featuring more than 1 visible human, Verification from all is required.

  8. 8. Only 1 post every 24 hours is allowed for non-verified user

    A non-verified poster can only post a request once every 24 hours

  9. 9. Don't post the same photo twice in a month

    You can only post the same photo once a month. If something doesn't get drawn, try a new approach. Don't just keep submitting the same photo

  10. 10. Do not delete posts with artwork responses
  11. 11. Submissions must be of an actual person

    Submissions must be of an actual person, and not a drawing/piece from somewhere, unless it is being used in tandem with an actual photo to show an example of the how you want the artist to go towards.

  12. 12. No art posts

    Artwork will only be allowed as responses to posts. Artwork as a post will be deleted

  13. 13. No close up of just the genitals

    We do not allow close up of just the genitals, male or female. If the focus is on the genitals, we require a minimum of above the knee to the under the pectorals, OR hips down to the ankles

  14. 14. No sexual suggestive titles

    Sexual suggestive titles are not allowed. eg. Would you lick my pussy, Care to fuck, etc....

  15. 15. NO unwanted advances towards other members of the sub

    We will not tolerate any users giving unwanted advances towards others, which includes messaging, comments, etc...

Number of subscribers:


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