Spicy subreddit /r/DronedOrc

About this subreddit:

Collection of invaders being hit by drones.

Assume NSFW, it`s war footage!

Wars took place mostly hidden for centuries, with very few footage that made clear how cruel and insane these wars are. The terror that the russians are waging against Ukraine allows deep insight for the first time. As painful as this is to see, it is important to realize how much we must care to avoid wars forever.

We should be one humanity!

Feel free to post/ crosspost/ share but follow the subreddits rules.


  1. 1. Z- Alarm Button. Don’t be a vatnik. Be one of the fellas. Don’t simp for fascists.

    Ukrainians are [insert accusation]
    fighting back against orcs is a war crime
    finishing off orcs is a war crime westoids blah blah blah > good bye tankie > PERMABAN

  2. 2. Glorification of violence strictly forbidden!

    Glorification of violence strictly forbidden, doesn`t depend on nationality or ethnicity, we are all humans!

  3. 3. Posts must be related to drone footage during combat.

    You may post videos or photos related only to drone footage during combat.

  4. 4. Posts must be in English.

    This sub is for international discussion so please post in English or provide a translation.

  5. 5. No Sharing of Recent Impact Sites, UA Troop Movements or Stationary Aid Sites.

    To prevent creating russian targets in Ukraine, we will not approve media from the front line newer than 12 hrs, or unless identifying features of a location have been made unidentifiable. Stationary aid site locations should not be shared, as they are vulnerable to attack. Information released by Ukrainian or major news sources is safe to post.

  6. 6. No unfriendly behavior towards the community.

    Stay friendly and discuss without getting personal. Don't be toxic. Discuss like civilized humans.

    We'll remove personal attacks and insults. Bans may be issued.

  7. 7. No fake news or allegations.

    Do not post false facts, e.g. do not refer to Ruzzian soldiers as Ukrainian soldiers and vice versa.

  8. 8. No advertisment / self promotion.

    Don't try to profit of such a tragic event.

    We do not participate in any fund raising here, if you post a link to a fundraiser of any sort, you will be permanently banned.

  9. 9. No Memes or Shitposts.

    No Memes or Shitposts, this is a community interested in the development of modern warfare, this is not entertaining but should serve for analysis.

  10. 10. No repetitive or mediocre posts.

    No repetitive or mediocre posts. We may remove posts that are similar to previous posts, as they don't contribute anything new to the subreddit.

  11. 11. Reposts are allowed if they are of good quality and not too frequent.

    Reposts are allowed if they are of good quality and not too frequent. The following applies: everything that makes the community happy and does not violate any other rules stays online.

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