A sub for guys to share pics of themselves in socks. Read the rules before posting.
All posts must be original content. No posting/reposting another persons content or mass-market porn.
All posts must contain at least one pic of the subject(s) wearing socks on the feet. Pics showing a sock on your cock and not wearing socks on your feet will be removed.
This subreddit is for adults aged 18 and above. All posts must include the age of all subjects in the subject line. Any post lacking this required age information or raising doubts about the subject(s) age will be removed.
This subreddit is exclusively for individuals aged 18 and over. Users must be of legal adult age in their jurisdiction to participate. Any users found to be under the age of 18 will be permanently banned from the subreddit.
Note: I do frequently and randomly check the profile of posters. If there is any indication of questionable age or discrepancy of age found, this rule applies.
This is subject to the Zero Tolerance Policy.
No illegal content. This includes, but is not limited to: underage subjects, revenge porn, drug use, etc.
This is subject to the Zero Tolerance policy.
Harassment of any kind is strictly prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, disparaging a persons appearance, gender identity/expression, sexual preference, race, any form of hate speech, or any form of threating language, etc.
This is subject to the Zero Tolerance policy.
Spamming is strictly prohibited. Any form of spam, including excessive self-promotion, irrelevant content, or repetitive posting, will result in an immediate and permanent ban.
This is subject to the Zero Tolerance Policy.
Non-consensual filming or photographing of individuals is strictly prohibited. This includes images or videos of strangers in public or individuals unaware/seemingly unaware that they are being recorded/photographed. Exceptions are made for incidental background presence, except in cases involving nudity.
Content may only be posted once. Duplicate submissions will be removed, including those that are closely similar to previous content. Consistent deletion and reposting of the same content is also prohibited.
Repeated violations will be treated as spamming and may result in a ban.
Posts and comments may not include personally identifiable information. This includes, but is not limited to, phone numbers, addresses, financial account tags (CashApp, Venmo, etc.). Keep that in your DM's.
NOTE: Social media tags and OnlyFans/etc. tags are allowable provided they do not violate the rule on spam.
The penalty for most rule violations is a 30-day ban. I usually only hand these out for repeated or blatant violations. If the issue persists, it will be a permanent ban. Permanent bans are not subject to review. If you got it, you deserve it.
Note that any violation of a Zero Tolerance rule (marked with an *) will result in an immediate permanent ban.
DudesInSocks takes the commitment to provide a safe and enjoyable community for all of our users very seriously. With that goal in mind, we have a strict Zero Tolerance Policy. All rules marked with an * apply to this policy. Violations of this policy will result in an immediate and permanent ban.
/r/nsfwfashion (279.5K)
/r/studioNSFWfashion (11.8K)
/r/thenakedmodelclub (1.9K)
/r/HighHeelsLegs (513)
/r/dirtynylon (11.0K)
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