Come join us to learn more about Erotic Massage.
This is a place where you can share reviews of erotic massage and search for or offer massages, but please observe our rules.
Be civil at all times, regardless of what you may think is provocation. If someone is nasty to you, report it. DO NOT FLAME THEM.
The title of each R4R post must include your age and sex/gender, the sex of the person you are looking for, a reasonably specific location, and a description of what you are offering and/or seeking. Age can be approximate. Avoid cryptic abbreviations and local nicknames, and specify the state or country. (See the "sticky" posts for details.)
Do not misrepresent yourself in any way. If you feel the need to fudge your age, use a range (30s, 50ish). Otherwise, stick to solid facts and don't make promises you aren't going to keep. Note: Hyperbole ("World's best erotic masseur!!!") counts as misrepresentation. If in doubt, tone it down.
Do not post email addresses, phone numbers, pictures of your face, or any other personally identifying information for yourself or anyone else.
If you are offering a massage, present yourself as a trustworthy provider of an intimate service. Do not post nudes or pornographic selfies or creepy text, or imply in any way that you expect reciprocation.
Do not offer or ask for money for explicit sexual services. Do not refer to "happy endings" or use similar terms in any post or comment. Do not offer or ask for anything illegal in your location.
This sub is about massage. Stick to the subject. Do not use this sub to promote products, websites, organizations, or causes.
Do not post stories, images, or links to text or videos that have no instructional value related to sensual or erotic massage. If you provide a link to explicit material, you must say why you think it is valuable and what others can learn from it.
/r/JerkingInstruction (67.2K)
/r/ABDLMarket (10.9K)
/r/ProstatePlay (111.9K)
/r/GoneWildHypno (2.7K)
/r/OrgasmDenial (20.1K)
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