NOT JUST AN ASS PHOTO! You must have something anal related, be it toys (in your ass), fucking, or at minimum there should be an asshole with spokes AND NO COVEVERAGE. If you want to post a non-explicit photo, go to r/FanslyAssQueens for that.
You may post your link, in the comments, but do not put your link in the title, or photo. You may watermark your reddit name in the photo.
We do not accept blurry, overly filtered, sticker covered photos. This includes screenshots, and collages.
While some like that, not everyone does.
Do not try to hide links to other sites in your images. The result will be an immediate ban.
/r/alteredbuttholes (273.2K)
/r/FanslyNewbies (44.4K)
/r/Assholeappeal (38.0K)
/r/BuiltForSupaBbc (18.2K)
/r/NotSafeForWork18 (3.7K)
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