Celebrating Kiiroo's personalized FeelStrokers, modeled by your favorite pornstars for the KEON experience. We are the sister sub or r/kiiroo, giving you the most exclusive NSFW content from our FeelStar ambassadors.
We will only accept NSFW content from girls in the FeelStars collection for the KEON. Any other posts will be automatically deleted.
It's not difficult to be kind. Make sure you speak to people with respect. Always remember that this is a sex positive space.
If you haven't already seen them, please take a look at the reddiquette
Any trolling or spam posting will be instantly deleted and repeat offenders will be banned.
If you are an affiliate - that's fine. Just be honest, please. Give one of the moderators a DM to be on the safe side.
Feel free to post your own videos, images and GIF's of you using your feelstar sleeves with the KEON!
/r/Kiiroo (7.9K)
/r/VictoriaJune (150.1K)
/r/DeadByDaylightNSFW (4.4K)
/r/FeelXVideosVR (2.9K)
/r/Thong_Squat (13.6K)
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