On-model Pokemon being lewd and kinky
Don’t spam, harass, troll, or otherwise go out of your way to insult another user. If the user breaks the rules, please report it.
Use tags in the title of the post to identify the visually apparent gender of the genitals of Pokemon in the post using brackets. M for male, F for Female, and a slash between if multiple in a post. For example [M] is solo male and [M/F] is male and female. Artist credit can go in parenthesis and if unknown. AI generated images need to be declared it is made with AI in parenthesis as well. Any request for content can use either the [beg] or [Req] tag
Feral here means close to on-model as possible. Anthropomorphic are not allowed alone in a pic and would need at least one feral. Boobs are not considered feral as they are a very human trait.
No underage or cub content is allowed. Anything that appears to be underage or has tags on another site as cub or underage will be removed. Please note that evolution stage does not equate to age.
/r/PokePorn (468.0K)
/r/poke34 (27.7K)
/r/HentaiPokeTrainers (19.9K)
/r/anthropokeporn (23.9K)
/r/AnthroPossession (4.8K)
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