The Home of Kink Connoisseurs. Ask questions, get advice, discuss stories about your successes and failures, and post seller reviews from across all subreddits and selling platforms related to the purchase of fetish products and services including dirty used panties and socks, digital content, and body worship items. Sellers are not allowed to post new submissions but may comment on others. All selling ads will be removed.
Posts or comments that include hate speech and derogatory remarks will be removed and the claimant shall be banned. Stick to the facts of the transaction. Anyone caught submitting fake or fabricated reviews will be banned as well. Reviews will be from recent purchases, and each transaction can only be reviewed once. The mods reserve the right to request additional information to verify reviews at any time. Exchanging items/services/content/discounts for reviews is also prohibited.
Sellers are welcome to comment on submissions by others but are not allowed to submit new posts. This includes new members seeking advice about selling. Please see our sister community, r/FetishMarketSocial, for selling inquiries, tips, and resources.
If you would like to leave a buyer review, please use the Buyer Review Form
Regardless of the flair used, any post that is an attempt to promote or solicit products or services will be considered a selling or want ad and shall be deleted. We will also not tolerate solicitation in comments. Habitual violators will be banned.
Deleting a review or a scam alert without explanation and approval is a bannable offence. If you do not want reviews to show on your profile, please use either the Worn Item Review Form or Digital Content Review Form.
At times, information may be needed to authenticate a review or scam alert. If you are asked to provide additional information such as screenshots or detailed information about the transaction and you fail to do so within a timely manner, you will be banned.
A "Scam Alert" posted to FetishBuyersCommunity shall be grounds for an immediate ban. After you have resolved the issue with your client, you can appeal the ban by providing documentation of the satisfactory resolution.
All users must be in good standing with r/FetishHaven, r/FetishPlayhouse, and r/FetishBuyersCommunity.
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/r/FetishSellersForum (10.0K)
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/r/FetishMarketSocial (16.2K)
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