An FBC Marketplace Community for classified want ads related to the PURCHASE of fetish products and PAID services. No posts by sellers! New submissions are restricted to 18+ BUYERS only. Sellers may respond to ads in the comments but may not post new submissions!
This includes but is not limited to racism, sexism, bullying, homophobia, etc.
Do not utilize this subreddit in a way that violates the law or reddit's content policy. This includes but is not limited to:
-All users must be 18+
-No in person services. Meetups are for physical item exchange only.
-Consenting parties only.
-No public requests.
-No involving animals (this includes insects).
Roleplay is allowed, but the terms must be explicitly stated in requests and responses.
Violations of this rule will result in a ban.
Buyers - When posting an ad, you must be prepared to pay for the items or services. Unless clearly stated in your post, you must be payment ready for what you list in your ad.
Sellers - Do not offer free items or services. Offering free or discounted items/services in exchange for a review is not permitted.
Buyers - Accounts must be 90+ days old in order to post requests.
Sellers - Accounts are required to meet certain account age and karma requirements to comment on requests. We do not disclose the exact requirements, but they can be met quickly by actively engaging in reddit by making posts and comments. Attempts to circumvent this policy (DMs to buyers) will result in a ban.
-No seller posts.
-No photo posts, embedded photos in requests are permissible.
-Buyer requests are the only permitted post.
-All posts must contain specific details of what is being requested, as well as details related to budget, payment methods, etc.
-Off platform usernames and alternate contact info are not permitted within requests.
-Posts shall be limited to 2 submissions per member, every 7 days (twice per week). Attempts to circumvent this rule will result in a ban.
Buyers - We have zero tolerance for time wasters. Wasting a seller's time is grounds for a permanent ban.
Sellers - We have zero tolerance for scamming. Scamming will result in a permanent ban.
View Rule 11 to find the appropriate methods of reporting these violations
Sellers must comment on the buyer's post. This ensures the buyer that the seller has not been banned from the community.
Sellers - DO NOT direct message or send chat requests to the buyer unless they request it after you comment! If they are interested, they will contact you. This includes external platforms.
Buyers - DO NOT encourage sellers to direct message or send chat requests to you! DO NOT include alternative contact info in requests. If interested, they will comment.
-Do not comment unless you are able to fulfill the request and meet all of the listed requirements.
-Comments that only mention the budget are not permitted.
-Do not comment on other buyers' requests.
Buyers & Sellers
-Discussion comments are not permitted.
-No “warning” comments. Sellers can report timewasters in r/FetishScammers, and buyers can report scams in r/FetishBuyersCommunity.
-No "recommendation" comments. Do not tag other users.
All users must be in good standing with r/FetishHaven, r/FetishPlayhouse, and r/FetishBuyersCommunity.
Attempts to circumvent the rules will result in a ban. This includes but is not limited to:
-Using alt accounts to post more often.
-Using alt accounts to utilize the sub during temporary or permanent bans.
-Posting a request that meets our criteria but sharing illegal aspects of the request in dms.
-Sellers direct messaging buyers instead of (or after) commenting on the request.
FWA does not host or handle any reports beyond seller initiated dms.
Sellers you can report buyer misconduct in r/FetishScammers.
Buyers you can report scams in r/FetishBuyersCommunity. To report seller initiated DMs from FWA requests, send us a modmail with a link (using an image host like imgur, redgifs, google drive folder, etc) to view a screenshot of the interaction.
When requesting something that is considered taboo or extreme, all relevant details must be listed in the request post.
This allows sellers to have clear expectations when responding, reduces time wasted on both sides, and ensures that the details of requests made do not violate this subreddits rules.
Roleplay is permitted, but the terms of the arrangement must be explicitly stated in both requests and responses.
/r/ABDLMarket (11.4K)
/r/FetishLife (214.9K)
/r/KINK3Dexchange (6.3K)
/r/FetishMarketSocial (17.4K)
/r/GymSocks (23.9K)
Last updated at: