NSFW sub for Firefly from Honkai: Star Rail
All submissions must clearly contain Firefly
All submissions must be NSFW
Extreme fetishes such as gore, scat, and etc, are not allowed. Mods will have the final say on where the line is drawn.
u/HentaiSauce_Bot will automatically try to find the source for images posted. If the bot fails to do so or provides the wrong source, please do it yourself. Image aggregating sites (Danbooru, Gelbooru, etc) do not count as sources unless the original source (Pixiv, Twitter, etc) has been deleted. Failure to correctly source post will lead to a temporary ban, repeat offenders will be permanently banned.
Reposts are not allowed for content that has been posted within the last 31 days. When reporting reposts, include a link to the original post or the report will most likely be ignored.
Do not post paid content locked behind a paywall such as Patreon or Fanbox. Multiple violations of this rule will result in an initial ban followed by a permanent ban.
Examples of this include: Considerably Amateur Art *Low Effort Titles (e.g. formatting, emojis, relevance to image) Spam/Bulk posting with vague titles
Do not promote your own websites or other off-Reddit communities (Discord, Kik, etc). Breaking this rule will result in a permanent ban. Generally, an artist is allowed to promote their own communities and websites while sharing OC.
Crossposting is welcome in our community, but we ask that members contribute to our subreddit before crossposting content from their own subreddits. We encourage active participation and engagement with our community to ensure that crossposts are made with the intent of enriching the discussions here. Please note that crossposting solely for spamming or promoting your subreddits may result in those subreddits being blacklisted.
/r/WutheringWavesR34 (12.0K)
/r/PickHerOutfitX (8.3K)
/r/Twink_Heaven (7.5K)
/r/toweldrop (33.6K)
/r/South_Carolina_R4R (1.0K)
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