We love botched breast augmentations, scars, ripples, asymmetrical, bridging, lumps, sagging, etc... flaws in the boobs.
Tits must be fake and have one of the flaws listed.
Always add flairs to your posts
Do NOT write name in the description or in comments section. Use Binary instead (using rapidtables.com or any other website that convert name to binary).
Do not beg for a model's name in comment section.
Morphs and Articially generated images are not allowed here.
Move on if you don't like. If you receive 2 warns for being disrespectful you will be permanently banned.
Do not advertise yourself if you are a model. You can say you sell content but you can't add your links to someone who ask for them.
Do not repost content that has recently been posted.
/r/Dry_Wet (5.5K)
/r/Flawesome (1.3K)
/r/UglyBoobs (12.9K)
/r/privatescrotalsack (312)
/r/WeirdPussy (12.9K)
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