Personal ads related to Feminization in Florida. Transgirls, Crossdressers, Sissies, Femboys and the people who desire them are all welcome. Request approval to post your ads in our "about" page.
Only Florida residents and visitors may post. Visitors must include "Visiting" in their post title. This helps visitors enjoy their stay, since we enjoy seeing new faces in our beautiful state.
You must include age and role (CD, femboy, daddy, bull, etc) in your post TITLE and set your post flair to your Florida county.
No racism, spam, dick-pics (including chastity), hairy femmes or FinDom. Instant permanent ban.
If you currently have an ad which is the most recent post in the group, do not post another ad until others have posted. Please do not use "spoilers" in your posts. They serve no purpose in this subreddit.
Please do not use the "spoiler" or NSFW tag. This subreddit is already flagged as NSFW and using these tags will blur your photo and require more clicks for people to determine whether or not they are interested in your ad.
/r/DegradingFatPigs (12.3K)
/r/MDMAMollyGoneWild (62.0K)
/r/Cowgirls (76.3K)
/r/jm_delphi (2.3K)
/r/PlusSizedCumsluts (15.5K)
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