Spicy subreddit /r/FuckFurniture

About this subreddit:

The idea of the subreddit is to enjoy and get ideas or inspiration from the vast amount of fuck furniture exists in this world, or creative ways to use existing furniture. It's not strictly a kink subreddit, however due to the nature of bdsm furniture it leans that way. Vanilla / LGBTQ+ / Kink / BDSM / and Hentai are are all ok. Content creators are welcome.


  1. 1. Be kind

    The golden rule. No explanation necessary. Be nice to others.

  2. 2. No hate speech

    Hate speech won't be tolerated. This is a permanent ban offense.

  3. 3. LGBTQIA+ friendly sub

    This is an inclusive sub. All genders and gender identities can partake, and post content they enjoy. F solo, F/M, M solo, FTM, MTF, etc are all ok to post. Hate speech against LGBTQIA+ users and content will not be tolerated. If you see it, report it under rule 2 as "Hate Speech". This is a permanent ban offense.

  4. 4. Content Creators and self promotion are encouraged

    r/FuckFurniture would love to see what kind of fuck furniture you use!

  5. 5. Using furniture / appliances for sex outside of the norms

    Using furniture for sex outside of the norms. This is subjective, but the essence is, fucking on a normal bed or couch probably doesn't make the cut. Unique couches that look especially good for fucking do count.

  6. 6. Gifs must be from an approved host

    Approved hosts include redgifs, imaglr, and reddit

  7. 7. Keep posts high quality

    Keep the posts high quality (within reason). No pixelated images or terrible resolution gifs.

    The exception to the rule is a unique gifs from an old video. These are interesting to see and you can't control 480p was the standard in the VHS / DVD days. Just make sure you point out it's an old video in the title so it's not mistakenly removed.

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