Spicy subreddit /r/FurryKikPals

About this subreddit:

We are an 18+ sub-reddit with the goal of allowing individuals to meet others around a common theme of being furries. Despite what the name is, you can use whatever chat platform you want! <3

Banner by /u/Akashwolf909 AKA RetroWolf


  1. 1. Post Title Format

    How To Format Your Title:

    NOTE: Order is important

    [Age] [Gender(M,Fb,F,Fu,A,TF,TM,G) 4 Gender(M,Fb,F,Fu,A,TF,TM,G)] [Platform] [Catchy and SFW(ish) Title]

    Example post:

    [23][M4A][Telegram][GenericUserame]-Looking for buddies to hang out with and some RP on the side!

    Your title must be SFW and your [Gender 4 Gender] must be in brackets or parentheses.

    ONLY 1 Gender allowed on each side of the "4" Do not include "/" inside brackets

    Only one G4G allowed in the title.

  2. 2. IRL age in titles

    Your post title must contain your IRL age. Playing a character of a different (18+) age can be indicated in the body of your post.

  3. 3. SFW(ish) Titles

    Titles must be safe for work as well as short and concise. Any NSFW content should be reserved for the body of the post.

  4. 4. 1 Post per 12 Hours

    Only one post is allowed per user per twelve hour period.

    A temporary ban will be issued for a first offense. 3 offenses will lead to a permanent ban.

    If you need to correct a title, you may delete a post and repost it without breaking this rule.

  5. 5. No low effort posts

    Posts must have a minimum of 350 characters and must be unique. Any posts that are found to be copied and pasted on a consistent basis will be removed.

    A temporary ban will be issued for a first offense. Repeated offenses will lead to a permanent ban.

  6. 6. No ageplay or raceplay

    Any and all posts that are marked as having ageplay or raceplay will be removed.

    A temporary ban will be issued for a first offense. Repeated offenses will lead to a permanent ban.

  7. 7. Do not engage in harassment or targeting

    Posts and comments that are found to be harassing an individual or group will be removed.

    "Targeted posts" are only allowed in the case of attempting to reconnect with another user after a lost chat.

    A temporary ban will be issued for a first offense. 2 offenses will lead to a permanent ban.

  8. 8. Do not post on behalf of others

    You may not impersonate another user, list a username that does not belong to you, or make a post on behalf of another individual.

    You are allowed to make group posts that include information for other users/admins so long as you are including information about yourself.

  9. 9. Do not manipulate upvotes

    It is against the rules of Reddit to manipulate votes on posts. This includes getting group members to upvote your post or utilizing multiple accounts. A temporary ban will be issued when a first offense is detected. Repeated offenses will lead to a permanent ban.

  10. 10. Do not exchange money

    It is strictly against the rules of r/FurryKikPals to use the subreddit as a means to attempt to exchange money for any reason, including for roleplay, drawings, or photos. Attempting to solicit money from users will lead to a permanent ban.

  11. 11. Do not evade bans

    Users will be immediately permanently banned if they are caught attempting to evade a previous ban.

  12. 12. NO BOTS

    Robots, porn accounts that spam the same post every single day will be removed and banned as soon as they come in.

  13. 13. Account age

    To post on FKP your account must be at least 30 days old and have a minimum of 30karma.

    This rule is to ensure bots and spam is somewhat reduced

Number of subscribers:


Link to Reddit


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Last updated at: