Welcome to the miracle of life for furry and feral kind~
Post must be about either furrys or ferals giving birth.
Do NOT post any IRL images.
Try not arguing or making a big fuss out of anything please.
Please keep gore, scat, pee, etc to a minimum and tag it as spoiler.
Five post a day maximum.
Try not posting an image that's already on here, I'll give it a pass if it's either in an image dump or there's been 20 post since the first one.
If it's not one of my pinned comments or a detailed porn/RP story script then please have a sub relevant picture.
/r/AsianIncestPorn (59.8K)
/r/Ebony_Bimbos (49.8K)
/r/Mexicana (887.7K)
/r/KingBang (19.7K)
/r/jacking (267.6K)
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