For gay guys in The Hoosier State
Based on our latest information, this subreddit is no longer active. Please try checking out other subreddits.
Must be 18+ to use the sub. There are no exceptions.
Drugs, violence, self-harm, etc. is prohibited.
No shaming or discrimination is tolerated. This includes age, race, body size, or anything else. If someone is offended, it could mean a ban.
Spamming the sub with multiple posts in a short time, link farming, etc. Also posting to just get subscribers to your OF or whatever.
This is a sub for Indiana or adjacent areas. Adjacent means along our borders.
This is a place for gay/bi/trans people. M4F, F4M can get you banned.
/r/HairyBearMen (63.9K)
/r/SLCNSFW (20.2K)
/r/SayUncle (10.8K)
/r/RedditsSoftPornDude (374)
/r/HyperGodAi (547)
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