A community for women who pee standing up, and for anybody who wants to watch.
Stand, face your target, ready, aim, fire!
Toilet, urinal, wall, or just wherever you are.
Stop the squats, start the stands. 👅
Please feel welcome to crosspost relevant items here. Share content with attribution and link to the original posts to support and encourage content creators and bring them to a wider audience.
All posts must contain women: people happy to be described as women. If you think someone is a woman but they do not identify as such for whatever reason, do not post them.
If you have a post about a man and a woman peeing together for example, that would be acceptable as it contains a woman.
All content must depict or discuss standing urination. Squatting isn't standing. Putting your ass over the toilet is technically standing, but ideally you should be facing the target.
Accidents happen, but this is not a wetting community. Content should depict at least attempting to pee tidily. If you keep your pants up for the duration that's not it. Wetting comms are thataway >>>>
Crossposting always links back to the original post. If someone's crossposting, they're not stealing your content, they're basically giving you free advertising. Feel free to post your pay links or whatever underneath.
/r/leggings_haven (87.9K)
/r/TheTravellingBull (2.3K)
/r/Dollification (30.8K)
/r/Thong_Squat (13.6K)
/r/401hookups (1.8K)
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