Spicy subreddit /r/GodPussyv2

About this subreddit:

The best pussy on Reddit all in one place. Only certified godly pussy (by invite or voting only) for all the people that worship them.


  1. 1. Must be 18+ years old

    You must be at least 18 years old to view content and post or comment

  2. 2. Must have explicit consent to post

    All posts must contain a picture or video of you or someone who has given you explicit permission to post

  3. 3. No contact information in the title

    Do not include contact information in the post title

  4. 4. No direct selling or promotion on this subreddit (links in your profile are fine)

    No ads selling or promoting paid content. If you have an OnlyFans (or other site for content) that is fine but please don't promote it in titles, comments, or watermarks on your images/videos (watermarks with your reddit username to protect your content are allowed).

  5. 5. Original content

    Do not post the same image on this subreddit multiple times for karma. Posting the same image across multiple subreddits is allowed.

  6. 6. No body shaming

    No body shaming in comments or via PM/DM

  7. 7. No cyber harassment

    You may not reveal or attempt to reveal private personal information about an individual such as but not limited to: their name, identity, workplace, or location.

  8. 8. No posts looking for meetups/hookups

    This is not /r4r but rather a place to share images or videos of people. Please don't use the comment section for this either, if both parties are interested use chat/DM.

  9. 9. All posts should include an image of a vagina

    As the subreddit name implies all posts should include a picture of a god pussy.

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