A community where Female Redditors in Nursing or the Medical field can show their nude or partially nude bodies. No Halloween costumes; submissions are for real medical professionals only.
Posts must be on-topic, female posters, 18+. No random porn, no males, nothing unrelated.
This is NOT the place to sell stuff, promote your onlyfans, promote your subreddit, website, etc. Posts or comments linking to or about your subreddit, facebook, telegram, discord, etc. should not be posted here. Posts or comments offering anything for sale or trade, posts or comments asking to buy anything and posts or comments offering more posts/content in exchange for upvotes are not allowed.
This is NOT a degradation or rude and crude sub. Posts or comments about rape, "bangings", violence, etc. should not be posted here. In general comments should be positive and respectful.
Please do not hog the sub. In general one or two posts a day is typically acceptable, but please do not make post after post. In addition, reposting the same thing should be strictly limited...reposting a picture you took last year is fine as a one-off thing, but posters should not be regularly reposting the same pictures/videos they have already posted.
/r/vagina (731.2K)
/r/FemdomClinic (13.1K)
/r/Flawesome (1.3K)
/r/medical (140.3K)
/r/NaughtyHospital (22.4K)
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