❤️Only Girls Allowed!❤️
A place for all Goonettes to enjoy themselves and have fun together as a community. Discuss your experiences together and take yourself deeper with Goon fuel. Fulfill your porn addiction!
💕~Edge and Cum Yourselves to Happiness~💕
Please read all the rules before posting.
Remember: Our rules are in addition to the Reddit Content Policy. Any posts breaking these rules will be removed. This includes requesting or promoting underage content. You must be over 18 to participate in this subreddit.
This moderation team has a strict zero-tolerance policy against underage, nonconsensual, and/or otherwise illegal content. Posts that provide or solicit underage content, revenge porn, or nonconsensual images of any kind will result in an immediate permaban.
This subreddit is for WOMEN & FEMMES ONLY (incl. trans women). Men are not allowed to comment or post. As this is a femme space, our policy includes non-binary people who (a) mostly present masc and/or (b) mostly show affinity with masc oriented comment, including in their Reddit profiles and comment histories.
Beware that we cannot prevent men from lurking in the subreddit. We make every effort to keep this space safe for femme users, but we cannot police your inbox as mods.
We do not allow couples accounts if the couple includes a man. This rule is not a restriction against women in any sort of couple. Women who would like to participate should feel free to do so on their own personal account. Moderators will ban couples accounts that are used by men in an attempt to circumvent the restriction against men.
Do not post content that only contains men. "Dick pics" from men will result in a permaban. Our community recognizes that trans women are women, and solo pictures from trans women are allowed. Media that contains men is permitted as long as it is on-topic (i.e. also contains people who are not men).
Every post MUST be on-topic. The post title, body, or linked images must have some relevance to the subreddit. Topics include, but are not strictly limited to: female gooning & goon fuel, goon caves, fetishized pornography addiction, pillow humping, excessive female masturbation, public horniness, edging, orgasm denial, femdom, sexualized drug & alcohol use, squirting & aroused genitalia, clitoris enlargement, and general debasement of the self. Off-topic posts will earn the OP a two-week ban.
Our space is for goonettes to have fun together -- although many people in this community also create content, this is not the place to advertise. If you are a seller and wish to participate here, you must reach out to the mods before participating. Failure to seek initial approval will result in a permaban.
Use common sense: advertising is not allowed in a post's title, or in the comments. General advertising is not allowed, nor are specific links to fansites, paysites, or other platforms.
Be civil. Please review the reddiquette page -- comments will be moderated based on these guidelines. Harassment or hate will result in bans.
Posts that are a single image asking for porn will be removed. Similarly, posts that are too short will be regarded as spam. For example, a post titled "Horny DM me" will not be allowed. We do not allow asking for upvotes either. Please put some effort into your post titles and body text.
Avoid posting the same content repeatedly; as stated above, make an effort to keep things varied and creative. If you're constantly posting the same image or text post, please limit it to once every 24-48 hours. Excessive repeat posts in short time frames will be flagged and can result in a one week ban. Crossposting may be considered Advertising and trigger a Rule 6 ban.
Trans women are women. Trans women, transfemmes, and non-binary people are welcome here. Non-binary folks who lean masculine or present more masculine are kindly asked to recognize that this is a femme-forward space and refer to Rule 2. We have a zero tolerance policy against all transphobic accounts, comments, and posts; you will be banned for making any comments harassing a trans user here.
Do not report a user just because they are trans.
Do not address posts to men on this subreddit. Men are not allowed here. Posts soliciting male participation are considered adverts here. Failure to observe this rule will trigger a Rule 6 ban.
No posts or comments that complain about men breaking rule #2. We have a robust moderation team that works around the clock to remove male posts and comments. If you see something, just report it and move on. If you have additional info, include it in the report. Posts/comments that draw further attention to male participation only create additional work and headache for your moderation team. Repeated infractions will result in a 7-day ban.
Posts should not imply that you are depicted if you are not depicted. Do not impersonate other creators or imply that content is original when it is not. Moderators may issue a ban and require further verification if your posts are reported for impersonation.
This is a place for girls to enjoy themselves and share porn with each other. We are not equipped to provide professional help for porn addiction and posts that a) promote untreated extreme porn addiction or b) seeking help with porn addiction will be removed. If you struggle with porn to the extent that is negatively affecting your ability to function in life, we strongly advise you to seek professional assistance through therapy or specialized support groups and wish you all the best.
To combat spam, we've switched to approving users manually. Please see the pinned post on instructions on how to become an approved user (sort by "hot" and not "new").
/r/BlackGirlPics (240.2K)
/r/FemdomClinic (13.1K)
/r/superhotlatinas (37.4K)
/r/HumiliatedVEmpowered (34.0K)
/r/AllThingsThongs (4.4K)
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