HentaiAndRoleplayy is a roleplaying subreddit for people 18+ who seek smut paired with hentai related references.
Follow the rules carefully and have a look through our FAQ.
Enjoy the time spent here!
1. Be respectful
Bullying, harassment, shaming, calling out, hate speech, or behaving like a jerk in PMs, posts, or comments will not be tolerated.
Threatening violence or harm outside of roleplay will lead to an immediate permaban.
If you are posting images of private conversations publicly, CENSOR profile pictures and names.
Send any and all rule violation screenshots to the mod team uncensored.
2. Punishment based on severity
Every rule broken will result in a ban. The severity depends on the case
Breaking minor rules can lead to shorter bans that increase in length for each reoccurence
Starting off with 1 day progressively increasing from 1/3/7/30 days, to permanent
Rules that break reddits ToS, or our major rules, will lead to longer bans or immediate permabans
3. [Major] No underage users, characters, or roles allowed
All users must be at least 18 years old.
No arranging of any roles under the age of 18 in any capacity.
Disclaimers like “All characters are 18+” are insufficient.
Visibly underage characters are forbidden.
Animals, fursonas, and monsters (i.e. Pokémon) are to look obviously 18+ as well.
This rule applies in DMs, submissions and comments.
Breaking this rule will result in a permanent ban.
4. [Major] The following kinks, scenarios and settings are forbidden
Ageplay, -18, ABDL, loli and shota are all forbidden kinks from use in title or images (Unless listed as a limit)
Middle school, High School, Babysitting and Suicide are forbidden scenarios to be used in title or images.
Using suicide in a positive manner is allowed, i.e: "[A4A] I was suicidal until you came into my life and saved me"
Submissions containing any of the listed words will be investigated. If the submission breaks our rule, it will be punished by a permanent ban.
5. [Major] No advertisements
Posts advertising other subreddits, kik groups, telegram groups, discord servers, or anything of that nature without permission are not allowed and users will be banned.
Advertising for products, services or anything else in that nature is not allowed. This includes paid roleplay.
We have our own Discord here: https://discord.gg/HentaiAndRoleplayy
6. [Major] Requesting feeding or trading
Images and titles containing a request to be sent or send text, porn, hentai and/or nudes are classified as feeding.
Requesting feeding or trading will lead to an immediate 30-day ban.
The second offense will result in a permanent ban.
This is to upkeep the quality of the posts and fulfill its purpose of a roleplaying platform
If the image contains a request for sending illegal stuff, or any of our banned kinks/scenarios, it'll lead to a permanent ban.
7. [Minor] Post require Hentai as reference, and need to be about Roleplay
No IRL or text-only images allowed. This includes uncanny images and IRL based AI
All roleplay posts require an image visible in the post (not just a link in the prompt).
Posts requesting hentai, sexting, JOI, nudes, sharing images or anything of that nature will be removed.
Gender tags need to be used in the title. The format should be in brackets, but leave creativity in the contents. Example: [F4M], [FuFu4A] or [Desk4F]. What the abbreviations stand for can be checked out in the FAQ.
8. [Minor] Every post needs a plot/story or direction for the roleplay
No posts that request people to bring their own plots, even as side note
The title needs to suggest a direction for the roleplay or have the story stated
Posts get removed automatically if they get identified as low effort
9. [Minor] Only one post is allowed per 4 hours
Accounts must be at least seven days old in order to be able to participate on HentaiAndRoleplayy.
Limit posts to once every 4 hours.
Don't post exactly at the 4 hour mark to prevent the bot from making a false positive.
Deleted posts still count toward the limits.
You have 15 minutes from the original post time to delete your post and fix any mistakes.
POST LIMITS APPLY PER USER, NOT PER ACCOUNT. Juggling multiple accounts to cheat the posting limits will result in a perma ban.
10. [Minor] Use the spoiler tag for more sensitive kinks
Any kink that is more graphic in nature must utilize the spoiler tag (i.e. scat, watersports, gore, bestiality).
Any kink that can cause discomfort for someone else must utilize the spoiler tag (i.e. blacked/bleached).
Utilize the provided flairs. They serve as trigger warning for sensitive kinks.
11. [Minor] Posts are not to ask for upvotes
Karma farming will result in a 1-week ban, and a second offense will result in a permanent ban.