Anything involving beastiality, but drawn.
All posts must be flared with the appropriate animal type/whatever other miscellaneous flair is relevant
All posts must be in some way related to hentai bestiality. It's largely up to the poster to determine what is considered to be an animal, but posting blatantly furry or anthro porn for example is not allowed. Monsterman are also banned due to karma farming, which means humanoid characters and dicks.
All posts must abide by Reddit's rules (and by extension U.S. laws). In particular, loli porn, real life bestiality, and discussion of real life bestiality is not allowed as it violates Reddit's own rules and is at best (depending on where you live) in a legally grey area. What is considered child pornography is left to the discretion of the community and ultimately the mod team. Anything that specifically states that the age of the character is under 18 is strictly prohibited.
asking for real beast in any capacity will result in a ban without warning due to people attempting to subvert rules by asking for content that violates Reddit ToS and Subreddit rules in the comments despite repeated warnings in the past. R/hentaibeast is a subreddit for the viewing of Drawn depictions of bestiality not a place for people to come and request Real images or videos in any form. Do not Request or reply asking for any Prohibited content including single word replies.
All posts and comments must be appropriate and inoffensive within reason. Do not be unnecessarily rude or disrespectful, and do not post or comment with the intention of offending a person or group of people. In some cases a ban will follow.
Just because an image could technically fit here does not mean that it should be posted. If it has the quality as if it was taken with a toaster you should not post it, as well as badly animated gifs/videos, or badly drawn images. This also applies to AI Art.
/r/Hentaibeast isn't a roleplay subreddit, please direct all roleplay, roleplay requests, and roleplay discussion to appropriate subreddits. Comments will be deleted. Posts and comments that act as works of fiction with the intention of adding a roleplay element to any posted media will also be removed. Please direct any beast based fiction to r/beastfiction.
Please do not post links redirecting to other pornsites, as those are reposted too many times. Posts to random pornsite hosts are also not allowed due to Spam and potential fishing scams. Discord links are no longer allowed without moderator approval due to scam link spam. If you would like to include a link to your discord in a post please contact a moderator.
Please add every possible information in the title, to help preventing recent reposts and to find the source better. Artist is necessary, character as well, unless its an OC. Write those in brackets if possible. Posts that don’t have at least the artist will be removed without warning. Titles shouldnt be too short and not too long, e.g. only emotes or a story.
Posts can not be reposted for a period of 4 weeks, to avoid karma farming and to keep the subreddit interesting. Image sets must be in Albums per spam rules. Pictures by famous artists will be restricted to a 6 weeks, these currently consist of: Sparrow, Metal Owl, Aka6, Noname55 and Shadman, Chikaretsu, POWZIN
Due to repeated abuse all text and poll posts not by moderation staff will be removed and the user will receive a ban at moderation teams discretion.
You know what you did and you know they aren’t allowed you will not be warned.
/r/Naruto_Hentai (569.5K)
/r/GravityFalls_Hentai (44.0K)
/r/AvatarTLA_Hentai (12.0K)
/r/TheFirstDescendant18 (22.4K)
/r/Rick_and_Morty_Hentai (12.6K)
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