Spicy subreddit /r/HentaiGifs

About this subreddit:

We Host Anime & H/R34 Content.

All content submitted here depicts the characters as being 18 or older.


  1. 1. High Quality Posts Only / No Low Effort Content

    Make sure your post follows these guidelines:

    1. Names / Descriptions of Characters Portrayed
    2. Name of the Anime / Series in Parenthesis (...)
    3. Name of the Artist in Brackets [...]

    This can be done through a comment as well but the title must still describe whats being portrayed

    Noelle (Black Clover) [Artist] x.com/artist

    • Your post should not include low quality content including dead gifs/vids
    • Include a link to the source
    • If its a hentai, only add the name in the title
  2. 2. Only Gifs/Vids!

    If you want to see or post images go to r/AnimeH34.

  3. 3. No Spam

    Roleplay posts/requests, porn challenges, cum tributes, or discord links are just a few examples of spam. Do not spam. Breaking the rule results in a permanent ban.

  4. 4. No Crossposting

    If you crosspost into this subreddit, you will receive a permanent ban.

  5. 5. Do not file false reports.

    Reporting someone's post because you don't like it is considered spam. Other reasons people report posts are because they are trolling. The admin is the only user who can see reports and he will decide when and what action will be taken for users who make a habit of filing false reports.

  6. 6. You Must Use The Correct Flair

    If You Don't Then Your Post Will Get Removed, No Exceptions.

  7. 7. Advertising is not allowed without mod approval.

    This community is for sharing content, not selling it. You must not post any link to your personal website or content platform. In addition, even if you don't advertise a personal website if your posts contain "paywall" content that is clearly designed to direct users to your website to see the full version, you will be in violation of this rule.

  8. 8. Do not leave toxic comments to a posters video.

    Reddit has the voting system so you can express displeasure about a post. When someone posts a video that you do not like you are not permitted to react negatively in the comments. When you don't like a post, downvote and move on. Attacking the poster of a video in the comments is also considered a toxic comment and will be removed.

  9. 9. Approved Users Only

    All users who wish to post must be approved first. This is to weed out users likely of making low-quality contributions.

  10. 10. AI Content

    As long as the AI content looks decent it's allowed (it should be similar to high quality art or close to how the character(s) look in the actual anime and not just some random generation)

  11. 11. No Shock/Extreme Fetishes

    While we strive to be welcoming of all kinks, content such as gore, scat, foot fetishes, diaper porn, shit fetishes, mutilation, beastiality, death, homosexuality, furry content, etc. should not be posted here. Breaking this rule will lead to a permanent ban.

  12. 12. Prohibition of Comments on Child-like Appearance

    Any member found making a comment about a character looking like a child in a post, even though this is an 18+ subreddit, will be issued a warning on the first instance. Repeat offenses or particularly egregious comments will result in a permanent ban. We encourage members to use Reddit's reporting system to report posts containing actual CP. Anime, with its static fictional characters that don't age, grow, learn, or evolve unless the storyline dictates, contrasting with real life, isn't CP.

  13. 13. Posts containing lolicon or similar types of videos/gifs are strictly forbidden.

    Any Video/Gif that depicts lollis or shota (underage participants) will be in violation of this rule and the Reddit Content Policy (Reddit Mods Will Be Notified).

  14. 14. Realistic Representation of Characters

    We encourage content that focuses on human-like characters rather than fantastical creatures that have vastly different skin tones, such as goblins, devils, etc.

    As long as the fantastical creatures look human with similar skin tones like elves, it is allowed here.

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