The daily prophet and the quibbler are outdated, Hogwarts gone wild!
Be respectful, don't insult, don't abuse, don't be rude.
also respect anonymity don't ask for or give personal information
All submissions must contain at least one woman with some kind of Harry Potter merchandise or imagery. Any posts with solo guys, dicks, or cum well be deleted.
If you aren't the original poster (crosspost) you have to add OP username in the title like '[u/username]' and mention them in the comments(so they get notified)
This subreddit does not allow any selling or advertising of content. This includes—but is not limited to—Snapchat, Onlyfans, Manyvids, Kik, Patreon, Cashapp, Discord, or Paypal.
Submissions attempting to sell or advertise content will be removed.
Links are only allowed from Reddit, Imgur, RedGifs, or EroMe at this time. If you have a favorite host that you think should be included, please send us a modmail.
All submissions must feature individuals over the age of 18.
A human must have created the picture. If your post is filtered so heavily that it may be CG or AI, it's removed as well.
If your content violates any rules three times, you will be permanently banned. Goodbye.
/r/harrypotterporn (193.6K)
/r/hpsmut (11.3K)
/r/Sabiha (2.2K)
/r/MaddyMay (12.4K)
/r/BabesOfReddit101 (10.5K)
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