Must feature a futa with a horse-like penis, ideally massive.
No illegal content may be included in any posts, comments, or chat messages. This includes beastiality, loli, and shota. If you are uncertain that your content is legal, please message the mods before posting.
While it is reasonable to post another artist's work (preferably with credit), do not post another artist's work as if it is your own.
To reduce the number of reposts, posts that have been recently featured will be removed.
You must use a unique/informative/sexy title for your submission. If two or more of your posts on this sub have the same title, you will be banned.
Personals and other advertisements are not allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, role play requests, trades, direct message requests, hookups, or only fans promos.
AI and AI-assisted posts are no longer allowed. We tried, but we couldn't keep up a high standard.
Have fun! Do not promote hostility (e.g., kink shaming).
/r/nymphohentai (77.1K)
/r/SqueezeQueens (25.3K)
/r/AshleyLaneXOXO (2.4K)
/r/BoxSFM (4.8K)
/r/AISissyHardcore (3.1K)
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