A sub for discussion about the hotwife lifestyle for hotwives, the husbands who love us and the men who keep us cumming back for more!
Please refrain from posting photos and videos here. Also alluding to and implying you'll post pics with enough feedback or attention is not allowed. Alluding to photos on other sites is also not allowed (like Onlyfans, etc) Thank you!
Content must directly relate to the hotwife lifestyle, hotwife experiences, questions and/or advice. This is not a place for cuckold/swinger/etc content, let's keep it to the hotwife lifestyle only. cuckold related content will be removed. Using * to misspell the work cuck won't work, it'll still be considered cuckold related and removed.
No karma whoring posts! ie: upvote for more pictures. No begging for upvotes, attention, pm's, challenges, conversation, etc. Sharing the lifestyle should be for fun and the sake of sharing not karma whoring. No "message me for more" posts/comments as well. If your post/content is an attempt to gain karma to post elsewhere, it will be removed.
Posts that are looking for partners, people to chat with, requesting private messages, etc should be posted in hotwiferequests or relevant subreddits.
Posts asking where or how to find partners will be removed. Posts with age/location and implying that you're looking for partners will be removed. Looking for resorts, vacations, clubs, etc will also be removed.
Names of social media accounts, people, places, etc will be removed and possibly banned. Doxxing of any kind won't be permitted. Linking to your content (paid or not) outside of reddit will result in your post being removed.
Kindness counts. Please leave your judgements behind and keep your speech respectful of others at all times. Hateful or threatening speech is not tolerated. BBC and/or racist content will be promptly removed.
promotion of any kind is unwelcome here. No OnlyFans, Cam sites, podcasts, etc. No linking to, alluding to, asking or begging for follows or sharing social media or other personal information. Posts that allude to finding your photos/videos/content elsewhere will result in your post being removed. Please use the appropriate subreddits for promo.
/r/HotwifeAdvice (33.0K)
/r/EuropeanHotwifes (14.7K)
/r/CuckoldVerified (315.0K)
/r/tommykingxxx (38.5K)
/r/TexasHotwifeChat (23.6K)
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